
One Drink. Lit 3 ways




I was editing photos from a shoot for StyleLine the other day and I realized that I shot the same drink with 3 different lighting setups. The background was the same (ambient light from a panel lining the bar). Image 1 was shot with a flash high and behind from the left with the white balance on "flash" which made the background more purple. #2 was all ambient with a spotlight that was on the table lighting the drink from almost directly above - white balance "tungsten". #3 was similar to #1 but the flash was moved closer and gelled with CTO to balance the background and I set the white balance the "tungsten" to make the background blue again (which is how it looked in person). There was also a silver reflector bouncing light back on the right.

For those of you who aren't photographers, the lighting description above probably doesn't mean much, but I'm curious to find out what shot you like best. Feel free to comment.

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