
69:365 Time-Lapse 5.30.10

The Garden.

Matilda helped. Song by Woodward.


68:365 Time-Lapse 5.29.10

The Plants.

Taken over a 7.5 hour period.


67:365 Time-Lapse 5.28.10

The Cup.

It wasn't that fun or funny so I added a laugh track.


66:365 Time-Lapse 5.27.10

The Kid.

Song by BodyJar. I apologize if watching this makes you nauseous. I decided to take the camera off the tripod for this time-lapse to see what would happen. I'll tell you that this is much better than another one I tried while chasing her around the yard - that one would most likely induce vomiting in those with a predisposition to motion sickness. On another note - I was hoping to put up one of me getting my haircut, but due to a technical malfunction (I forgot to turn off the auto-focus) it didn't turn out. You will just have to see me in person to check out the new do.


65:365 Time-lapse 5.26.10

The Drive.

Song by Woodward. www.woodwardtheband.com




62:365 Food 5.23.10


Guess what I made for dinner. It officially feels like summer!


61:365 Food 5.22.10

From scratch.

That's how I like my pizza. The dough is pretty simple to make and freezes well. The recipe I have makes 2 pies so I usually make one and freeze the other half of uncooked dough. The key to a good home-cooked pizza is to use a pizza stone and get the oven very hot (this one cooked around 500 degrees Fahrenheit). This particular pizza had pineapple, spinach, tomato sauce, black olives, fresh oregano (from our garden) and cheese. What do you like on your pizza? I'll try to make it next time and invite you over!


Object Show

The ASMP Object show was a huge success. Over 100 people came out to see some fun art and support a great cause, Summer in the City. Song by Woodward

60:365 Food 5.21.10


Yes, I eat lunch like a 10 year old, but it's not what you think it is. It's bananas, jelly and sunflower butter. Sarah is allergic to all nuts so I haven't eaten peanut-butter in who knows how long. I don't really miss it, but I like a PB&J every once in a while so I substitute sunflower or soy butter. However, the yoo-hoo is a must.


59:365 Food (and drink) 5.20.10

Cup o' Joe.

I start almost every morning with a cup (or 3) of coffee from this cup. For some reason it has become my favorite. It's a pretty simple, green ikea cup, but I like it. Lately I've been enjoying the Motor City Blend from Great Lakes Coffee Company. Do yourself a favor and pick up a pound at any number of local stores - I usually get mine at Westborn Market in Berkley.


58:365 Food 5.19.10


Those of you who know me can attest to my detest for cake. I didn't eat it at my wedding, I don't have it at birthdays, I have never liked it. This is still true, however, in recent years, my mother-in-law has been making all the birthday cakes for the family since my wife and father-in-law have severe nut allergies and can't trust a store-bought cake. To celebrate my sister-in-law's upcoming birthday, she made this treat. I believe it was a Martha Stewart recipe and it would have made Martha proud. To say it was enjoyed by all would be an understatement and I believe I heard the phrase "Randie, you've really outdone yourself this time," muttered at least once. To me, it was more like a pound cake with a carmel-ish icing. It is now on the list of deserts I will consume. If this makes me a hypocrite, then so be it... but I won't serve it to a bunch of women for breakfast (see yesterday's post if this doesn't make sense to you).


57:365 Food 5.18.10


Not mine, I don't care much for cupcakes, or something resembling them. It was at an event I was photographing this morning. It made the blueberry mini-muffins the healthy choice. And we wonder why our country has a problem with obesity. Don't worry though, they were pretty small.


56:365 Self-Portrait 5.17.10

The hands of a man...

...who likes to tie-dye.


55:365 Self-Portrait 5.16.10


Do you ever feel like the world is spinning? Today was one of those days. This week has been one of those weeks. Not bad, just spinning. And then you feel dizzy and hope you don't fall down.

Ok, enough of the deep stuff - I really just wanted to do a photo like this to see what would happen. I took about 50 shots - you can get some cool effects. Just make sure you don't spin for too long or you will fall down! Side note - this is a good example of why you generally shouldn't photograph someone from below - it's not the most flattering angle. The vain side of me took a little trip to photoshop for this one...


54:365 Self-Portrait 4.15.10

with the bride.

I don't typically take a picture with the bride at a wedding I've been hired to photograph, but I went to high school with Julie (the bride) and I still needed a picture for the day. Plus they had a cool monogram projected on the wall of the reception at the Inn at St. John in Plymouth (or is it Northville, I'm not really sure,) which made for a cool backdrop. More wedding photos to come once I've gone through all of them. It was a beautiful wedding and I'm sure Kurt and Julie are on a beach in Aruba by now - they left at 6am this morning!!


53:365 Self-Portrait 5.14.10

me and a half me

At least that's what I'm told. She looks much more like her mommy, but that may be a good thing! This doesn't really do her justice, but she was pretty tired and it was right before bed. I can't get enough kisses.


52:365 Self-Portrait 5.13.10

Into the light.

In a pinch, in a very dark room, with a very high ISO setting, an iphone can make a great light source. I tried this once before with some subjects whom were less interested than I in what I was trying to accomplish. I didn't post the first trial for a reason, but these worked a little better. What do you think?


51:365 Self-Portrait 5.12.10


I've been awake for over an hour at this point. Slept about 4 hours. Some mornings I look more awake than I feel. This is not one of those mornings. Sorry.


50:365 Self-Portrait 5.12.10

Peter Pan.

I'm sure the comics out there could come up with an inappropriate caption for this photo, but I was trying to capture the little kid inside. Luckily, I get to vicariously relive my childhood every day through my amazing daughter. This ball pit sits about 5 feet from my desk - sometimes I even play when she's not around...


49:365 Paintbrush 5.10.10

Paintbrush #7

The girl with the chocolate mustache.



46:365 Paintbrush 5.7.10

Paintbrush #4

Matilda, hard at work on her Mother's day presents for her Grandmas. Eventually they will dry and hold lavender. Shhhh, don't tell!


45:365 Paintbrush 5.6.10

Paintbrush #3

It's chocolate sauce. One recommendation if attempting a photo like this - make sure you have your flash far enough away from the bowl of chocolate so that it won't fall in if it tips over... learned this one the hard way.


44:365 Paintbrush 5.6.10

Paintbrush #2

These are authentic SITC paintbrushes from the 2009 season. They had been sitting in a bucket of water since last August so needless to say, they were pretty gross... I'm sure they will go back into rotation for the 2010 summer, but here they are, preserved in all their grimy glory.


43:365 Paintbrush 5.4.10

Paintbrush #1

Ok, so I took this slightly after midnight, but with good reason. I was working on a product shoot for SEE eyewear until 12:30AM! It was technically an hour and a half before midnight in Mountain Standard Time... now is your chance to slap me on the wrist with a ruler paintbrush. Again, I'm doing this theme for an art show I'm organizing. Click the link on top right side of this page to learn more about it. Please leave a comment with suggestions on other things I could do with a paintbrush - I've got 6 more days to fill!


42:365 Light 5.3.10


I don't recommend looking right at the sun. I still have the image of the sun burnt into my retinas. But if it's a beautiful day, and you must look, at least take a photo. However, if you have to sneeze, looking at the sun can help, though I'm not sure why...


41:365 Light 5.2.10


One light. Above and a little behind. My brother in-law was practicing guitar after a family dinner. He's back from college and is showing off what he learned this year at U of M. Go Blue!


40:365 Light 5.1.10

Night Light II.

There is a special time, at dusk, where the light in the sky is the same exposure as the lights on the street and in the houses. This was a little past that special time. For those of you who want to try this at home, it's usually just after sunset (or just before sunrise if you can get up early). You can get a great looking sky if you set your white balance to tungsten (usually it looks like a little light bulb). If you do this before sundown, everything will look blueish. If you wait until after sunset, only they sky should be blue and the rest will look normal. Just put your camera on a tripod, turn off the flash, and get ready for a long exposure. I think this one was about 30 seconds.