
88:365 Animals 6.18.10

She's my butterfly.

Ok, so technically a butterfly is not an animal, but this is my blog so somewhere between Sarah and the butterfly lies an animal. We were having a late dinner on our deck and this butterfly just landed on her headband. Ok, so maybe I swatted at it first, but then I realized it was a butterfly and not a bat and I grabbed my camera. It stayed there for a few minutes before taking off.

Butterflies have actually been kind of a meaningful thing for us throughout our relationship. Right around the time that song, Butterfly, by Crazy Town came out, Sarah and I had been dating for about a year and I used to sing her the lyrics... yes, you can imagine how that looked, not pretty..."come my lady, come, come, my lady, you're my butterfly, sugar, baby..." so there's that. Then I took some photos of butterflies that I superimposed on her stomach for some unbeknownst reason... probably in a fit of some early photoshop madness. On our 3rd anniversary of dating, I gifted her with a necklace with 3 little diamond butterflies on it (one for each year), awwwww. And on more than one occasion, butterflies have become a metaphor in her writing and poetry. Oh and the italian word for butterfly, farfalle (like the pasta), is a fun word to say, so we try to work it into everyday speech. "Honey, will you pick up some farfalle at the store?" or "Why is there a farfalle on my head?" Needless to say, butterflies have a special place in our hearts (and on our heads) so it was particularly fated that a butterfly would bestow us with its presence the night before our fifth anniversary of marriage. I think it was a sign. Of what, I'm not sure, but a sign nonetheless.

Oh, and for those of you who haven't seen her in a while, yes, Sarah got her nose pierced. I like it.

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