
87:365 Animals 6.17.10


This is my sister's dog Brody. I met him for the first time today. He has quite the tongue. It made contact with my face multiple times...
This was part of a shoot I did for my sister's new company, Pawsitive Improvements. She is highly-skilled in training all types of animals, from lions to fish. She is going to use them for her website which you can see here. It's a work in progress at the moment, but check back soon to see some more photos from this shoot with Brody and her other dog Phoebe. If you or anyone you know need some in-home training help with your pet, give Taryn a call. She'll give you a free in-home consultation if you mention my name.


Unknown said...

Thanks Brett!

Unknown said...

burt - your new site looks fabulous! i haven't had internet in about a week and they frown upon blog-surfing at work so i'm just catching up on the bus to nyc (because obviously a BUS has internet but an apt doesn't).