
21:365 Black & White 4.12.10


Some days I get creative, interesting photos, some days I get Jake. Jake is one of the high school kids I work with as a youth group advisor. Jake is a funny kid. He was the first to volunteer to let me take his photo when I asked a few of the kids. He quickly turned on the "blue steel" and was giving me all sorts of interesting poses (and subsequently making the girls that tagged along laugh out loud, or LOL for you younger folks...). To give you an idea of the kind of kid Jake is, shortly after our photo shoot, he was doing spontaneous trust falls. He would stand in front of or next to someone and, without warning, start falling into them and say "trust fall!" Needless to say, he wasn't always caught. I actually photographed Jake's Bar Mitzvah a few years ago and a few of his photos are still in my portfolio.

On a technical note, I feel the black and white worked really well in this photo. In color, there is too much going on. The window light was blueish and the color from inside was the greenish, yellow from fluorescent lights. There were some things outside the window that were distracting in color and all of this made the photo very busy. Making it black and white simplifies things, keeps your focus on Jake's eyes, as creepy as they may be... you should see the ones that didn't make the cut...

1 comment:

Carly said...

woahhhhhhhhh jakey never seen that side of ya....great picture!!!