
99:365 Threes 6.29.10


It was our little Huntington Woods version of toddlers in tiaras. Welcome to the baby parade. This long tradition involves children (under the age of 2) running around, playing with each other, while three senior citizens rate them in categories like "biggest eyes," "reddest hair," and "best tumbler." At the end of the judging (which went on for way too long this year), the awards are given and every child receives some kind of award. Matilda was crowned "Most Enthusiastic." Then, as if this weren't enough, two lucky children have their names chosen from a hat to be crowned Little Miss/Master Huntington Woods. Their prize? They get to ride in the annual 4th of July parade and throw candy (that they probably can't eat) at all the kids watching the parade while hanging out of a convertible. This year's winner... RUBY (one of Matilda's best friends). We are taking bets to see if she will be a big sister before the parade. Her mom is due any day now.

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